This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. {{:wiki:wapaq250px.jpg?nolink |}}**Wapaq**, miskwedo, kärpässieni, fly agaric, (//amanita muscaria//), is a //**dissociative hallucinogenic**// basidiomycete mushroom, one of many in the genus **Amanita**. The desired effects primarily come from //muscimol//. Amanita muscaria is endemic to conifer and deciduous woodlands throughout the temperate and boreal regions of the Northerm Hemisphere, and forms symbiotic relationships with many trees, including pine, spruce, fir, birch and cedar. It was widely used by the indigenous peoples of Siberia, as well as the **Sami** people of northern Scandinavia. Traditional preparations typically make use of methods to reduce to negative effects of //muscarine// (which is similar in effect to //nicotine//), and to decarboxylate the //ibotenic acid// into //muscimol// through drying and/or toasting. Effects last 5 to 10 hours.