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ganja [2023/11/23 23:20] – created - external edit [2023/12/02 20:09] (current) kindredseer
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-{{:wiki:ganja250px.jpg?nolink |}}**Gañga**, //bhang, bhanga, marijuana//, (//cannabis sativa//), is //**psychedelic**// plant with a mix of mild //stimulant//, //depressant// as well as mildly //dissociative// and //antipsychotic// properties depending on cannabinoid balance. The effects come primarily from tetra- +{{:wiki:ganja250px.jpg?nolink |}}**Gañga**, //bhang, bhanga, marijuana//, (//cannabis sativa//), is an //**entheogenic**// plant with a mix of mild //psychedelic//, //stimulant//, //depressant// as well as mildly //dissociative// and //antipsychotic// properties depending on cannabinoid balance. The effects come primarily from tetra-//hydrocannabinol (THC)//, and also //cannabidiol (CBD)//. Cannabis is endemic to Central and South Asia, and is one of the oldest and most well known plant medicines dating back to the Neolithic age. 
-//hydrocannabinol (THC)//, and also //cannabidiol (CBD)//. Cannabis is endemic to Central and South Asia, and is one of the oldest and most well known plant medicines dating back to the Neolithic age. Effects last around 2-3 hours smoked, or 4-6 hours oral.+ 
 +Effects last around 2-3 hours smoked, or 4-6 hours oral
 +While not technically a psychedelic, at higher doses and typically in edible forms, psychedelic experiences are sometimes reported, although they may be better described as entheogenic.